Marc Yaffe’s Chucklelicious Scores!

As you might imagine I get sent all kinds of CD’s and DVD’s to listen to and watch, and if I listened to even half of them I’d never leave the house!

But when I get a CD like Marc Yaffee’s Chucklelicious, that’s suggested to me by Goldman-McCormick PR, I listen ’cause those guys know what’s funny.


Those are the guys, Mark Goldman and Ryan McCormick, who created and produce the Funniest Reporter Show every year where they take TV and radio reporters, and put them in a stand-up comedy contest.

I’m usually either a mentor or a judge, and I can attest to the fact that these guys know what’s funny.

Plus the CD was made by David Drozen of Uproar Entertainment.  David is an old friend and he only does quality projects.

So I listened and it did not disappoint!  You could never tell from his name but Marc Yaffee identifies himself as Native American.  Actually he’s Mexican, Irish and Navajo Indian, or as he explains on the census, he’s “Other”!

He also says his mother had an easy delivery, … because he was adopted.  It’s a funny line, but maybe it’s true?  I’ll have to ask.

He says he can claim his Irish roots by his high blood alcohol level!

He had a really good flow and sharp jokes.  As a comedy writer myself, I always respect a good one liner.  And with his multi-ethnic background he has a wealth of material to draw from.

These are some examples:

You shouldn’t call a little person a midget.  You should call them “micro-Americans!

At a New Years Eve show in Minnesota, where it was 34 below, he commented that he didn’t know how people could live in a place that’s warmer inside of his freezer than it is outside.

He said he went to a casino where the hotel was so old, the Bible in the room didn’t even have The New Testament!

He describes sex with his wife as “rodeo sex.”  He jumps on and within 5 seconds she kicks him off!

He’s got two daughters in college.  He says, I’m now old enough to be their Dad and poor enough to be their roommate!

He asked his Dad what the secret was to his long marriage to his Mom.  His Dad said, ” Hearing loss!”.

If you get a chance buy the CD.  You won’t be sorry!

Here’s a little taste of Marc from You Tube!

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